Seeking Happiness

Think of all the things you want to do or buy or have. Really pause for a moment and think of five things about which you’ve been dreaming.

You may be thinking of a new job, a Caribbean cruise, a new boyfriend/girlfriend, to move to a new part of the country, a stronger/thinner body, more money, a baby, a bigger house, more friends, a trip to Paris, to make new friends, etc.

What is the importance of those five things? The answer is that you think by having or doing these things you will be Happy.

Unfortunately, most people are never taught how to be truly Happy.

Maybe they were taught to be polite, work hard, follow instructions, obey their parents and teachers, and be nice. But they were never taught that they can be Happy, deserve to be Happy, and the specific things they need to do to live a life that feels Happy most of the time.

One thing is for certain. If you want to be truly Happy, you absolutely must make Happiness itself your goal.

People hire me as their So Much Happier Coach because my program makes Happiness itself the goal.

Journey toward Happiness starts today

What if I show you how to be Happier right here, right now?

Because Happiness is the goal of all the other goals, we will start with the things you can do today to be Happier and then keep your Happiness growing from there.

You’ll be Happier, because you’ll learn how to appreciate yourself, like yourself, be kind to yourself, and believe in yourself. This obviously makes achieving all your goals 100% easier and that allows your overall Happiness to grow even more.

I’ll show you how to release the blocks to Happiness, so you feel better and better each day until you can’t remember how unhappy your life used to be.

Then getting those things you dream about will be like icing on the cake of your already Happier life.

We’ll work with you on your desires for today and dreams for tomorrow, even when they seem so far away from where you stand today. It’s about feeling Happier today and about feeling Happier as you go after your dreams.

You’ll learn to track your movement toward the life you want by noticing and releasing the thoughts, memories, and feelings that are showing up and keeping you from taking your next step.

Did you know that when a plane travels from city to city, it doesn’t take a direct path from takeoff to landing? Unforeseeable weather conditions always send it off path a bit, and the pilot continuously makes corrections to get back on track. This is what we will do as well.

There are no mistakes or failures. We’ll simply notice the results of your actions, learn from them, and adjust your plan for the next week.

“The Bunny Revelation” – Personal Story about Choosing Happiness

Years ago, I came home after a day of training as a Life Coach, and I was in a wonderful mood, full of Happiness and love for life. But as soon as I arrived home, my husband and two little girls barraged me with their needs and problems.

As I helped all of them, I felt like all the Happiness I’d found that day just drained out of me, so afterward I went to be alone in my bedroom.

Then my 4-year old came to my room and asked what was wrong. I told her in words I thought she’d understand, “While Mommy was at her class, I became really Happy and felt like a flower blooming out of the ground, but I came home and you guys all needed me so much that now I don’t feel that way.”

She said, “Mommy, did we squish your flower?” I said, “Yea, a little bit.” Then, from her brilliant, loving heart and with a big smile on her face she said, “I know Mommy, think about Bunnies!”

To her it seemed obvious. If you’re sad and unhappy, do something. Don’t just sit there be sad, think about Bunnies!

And it worked, I felt much better. I’ve remembered these wise words many times since. They always make me feel better, because they remind me that I’m not at the mercy of whatever feelings or thoughts show up.

It’s your choice to be Happy.

I can always choose to do something right now to be Happier! My revelation about bunnies triggered an epiphany for me.

There are shortcuts to Happiness that don’t rely on making major changes in your life. You can change your Happiness level any time. That was the turning point for me, and it was when I began developing my coaching program to make Happiness itself the goal.

This is the reason that I started You Can Be So Much Happier Life Coaching, because I’ve found that making a list of goals and achieving them does not necessarily bring the Happiness that we think it will.

You also can choose to do something right now! Let me teach you the Skills of being Truly Happy.

Coaching you toward Happiness

What makes us Happy is different for each of us. For my husband it’s all things auto. He likes to work on cars, watch shows about fixing up old cars, and even auto racing video games.

I personally don’t enjoy any of these. I love looking at beautiful things, whether in arboretums, the beach, museums, or home decorating stores. I also love decorating my home, especially for the holidays. And my husband doesn’t really care.

My goal is to work with you, so we can determine how you can be Happy right now, today.

We want to change the direction of your life to include more things that will specifically give you a much Happier future.

At the same time, we’ll work on gently releasing the bad habits of eating or drinking too much, shopping too much, spending too much of your day on your phone or watching TV. So, you’re living more of what you really like and less of things that don’t bring you enduring Happiness.

Uncovering your true self

We’ll create a uniquely honest relationship, one that allows you to share parts of yourself you’ve kept hidden because you were raised that way or just don’t feel comfortable being totally seen.

This change is BIG. Through Happiness Coaching you will learn how to stop continually reliving the pain, regret hurt and betrayals of your past. You’ll also learn how to stop thinking about those limiting beliefs about yourself that you’re holding.

These Must’s, Cant’s, Should’s, Other People’s Opinions, and “Rules of Life” have been holding you back from trying new things and living the Happy life you want.

It’s always amazing to see the peace and lightness my clients feel when they finally share the parts of themselves that they’ve always hidden, whether it’s their difficult issues or the part of them that has been told they can’t or don’t deserve to have Happiness.

“Finding yourself” is not really how it works… you are not lost. Your true self is right there, buried under cultural conditioning, other people’s opinions, and inaccurate conclusions you drew as a kid that became your beliefs about yourself. Finding yourself is actually returning to yourself. An unlearning, an excavation. A remembering who you were before this world got its hands on you.

~Emily McDowell

About Me

My journey to becoming a life coach

I started my working life as an accountant, but found it wasn’t a job I enjoyed. So, in 1997 I followed my heart and obtained a Masters in Counseling Psychology at the Illinois School of Professional Psychology.

While earning my degree, I became uneasy with being required to give each client the diagnosis of a disorder. It seemed to me that many people were simply facing difficult challenges in their life and needed some guidance on how to make changes so they could feel better.

During this time, I learned about Life Coaching and right away this felt so much better to me.

As a Life Coach, I don’t see my clients as being sick or broken and in need of being fixed by me.

Rather, I see them as someone who’s gone off the path and wants and needs guidance to get on a better path. So, I trained with the Coaches Training Institute for two years to become a Master Coach in 1998-1999; and in 2018-2019, I completed further Advanced Training as a Life Transformed Coach.

What I’ve learned

Years ago, when I worked with my first Life Coach, I came to realize that the meanest person in my life was me. I criticized myself when things didn’t go as I’d hoped and made myself feel pretty lousy.

My mental chatter was not kind. Can you relate to that?

It still happens sometimes, but now I take time to remember all I’ve accomplished in my life and feel proud. I know I can and will do what I set out to do. I choose to be kind and understanding with myself.

I also remember that I can choose Happiness, or at least a peaceful acceptance of what is, all the time. And I’ve done it and during some very difficult situations.

I’ll teach you how to live with that peace and Happiness, too.

My goal

It’s my life’s calling to lead people toward living the Happier, fulfilled life I’ve found for myself.

All my training has given me some amazing skills and techniques that truly transform people’s lives, and these techniques can transform yours as well.

I’ll use all this experience to help you leave old pains and limitations behind, so you can make new choices that make your grandest wishes come true.

Happiness Coaching is one of the great joys in my life, and I feel honored to come to know my clients this way.

Why choose me to be your So Much Happier Coach?

People hire me as their coach, because my program makes Happiness the goal.

My clients understand that what they really want deep down is to feel Happy in their life right now, not wait until sometime in the future when everything is better.

Of course, we’ll work on those other goals as well, but how much nicer will it be to already be Happier as you achieve those goals?

My goal with my clients is that they are Happier when they wake up, leave for work, do their work, take care of their kids, cook dinner, do housework, go out socially, even pay bills – everything. I really mean Happier all the time!

The best part of working with me is that this isn’t just a book you read and feel inspired by but never incorporate into your life. Hey, many of us have done that before.

It’s also not about making To-Do Lists or a Vision Board upon which you may never take action, thus making you feel bad about not doing them.

My program is about working with me to learn new skills to deal with procrastination, negative beliefs about yourself, and fears of being able to succeed at your dreams. It’s about learning the skills of being Happy your way and by pursuing your interests, your relationships, your career, your dreams.

I believe that everything you truly desire in your heart can become your real life. I can help you get past your fears and uncertainty and make this Happen. Let’s do this!

What led you to my site?

Clearly, something is pushing you to make an important change or to achieve an important desire.

I’m here to tell you that now is the time to take control of your life and make your life So Much Happier.

So, what’s the real value of going on this journey with me? Ask yourself what’s the value of not feeling sad, stuck, helpless, numb, scared, angry? What’s the value of improving a marriage and family, of feeling Happier at work, and of walking through your day feeling lighter and certain that no matter what happens that day you know how to handle it?

This will truly be a game changer in your life, and you deserve to give yourself this time and attention to be So Much Happier.

You can do this! You can remove the power of your past that is holding you back. You can love yourself and your life. You can make your desires and dreams a reality.

The belief in a much better future is all you need to start.

Let’s start your transformation.

Set up a free consultation by completing the form below, so we can discuss the Happiness you’re seeking.

Talk with me about what you really want and why you haven’t been able to make it happen yet.

Let me give you a quick example of what it feels like to be Coached by me. I’ll take you through a couple of exercises, so you can feel the Happiness waiting for you.

I will answer any questions you still have, as well as concerns about listening to the part of you that wants to do this.